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The Fanano è Tourism Promotion Association, in partnership with Fanano Town Council, is launching a crowdfunding project to renovate the Piazza Corsini Fountain, which is in serious disrepair.

Fanano - Crowd Fountain

We will be posting you details of the work planned on this page of our website during the coming weeks.


The Fountain was designed in the early 1900s by Lapo Farinati degli Uberti, an engineer whose father was from Cutigliano and mother from Fanano. Farinati was a specialist in major water management works, especially in the Apennine area to which Fanano belongs. Fanano Town Council commissioned him to design a new water main to convey the water of the springs at Rovina Rasa, near Fellicarolo, donated by Camillo Monari, a member of the town's wealthiest families, to the Square. Under Farinati's direction, the works to lay the pipeline and construct the fountain began in 1909, and the inauguration took place on 8 June 1913. At that time, the Town Council's aim was to give the people of Fanano a new, improved water supply and enable them to collect drinking water from the main square, at a fountain which would represent the entire community. Now, 103 years later, the Piazza Corsini Fountain is one of the town's best-loved monuments.


All the help you can give is fundamental to help us to complete this project, because the fountain is part of the history many of us share. Even just a drop can make a difference…

How can you donate?

1 - by BANK TRANSFER - IBAN IT21A0538766740000000356482

2 - by PAYPAL - PayPal Account, Credit Card or Prepaid Credit Card 

3 - in CASH OR BY CHEQUE to the Tourism Office at Piazza Marconi, 1


You can help us in many ways: 10€ | 20€ | 30€ | 40€ | 50€ | 100€ | 200€ | 300€ | OTHER AMOUNT.

logo paypal pagamenti sicuriDONAZIONE  IMPORTO PRESTABILITO
1 - SCEGLI L'IMPORTO della tua donazione dal menu a tendina (da 10€ a 300€)
2 - fai clic sul pulsante "DONAZIONE IMPORTO FISSO
3 - verrai reindirizzato al SITO SICURO PAYPAL e potrai pagare con un conto PayPal oppure con Carta di Credito

Scegli la tua offerta


logo paypal pagamenti sicuriDONAZIONE  IMPORTO OFFERTA LIBERA
1 - fai clic sul pulsante "DONAZIONE OFFERTA LIBERA
2 - verrai reindirizzato al SITO SICURO PAYPAL e potrai IMMETTERE L'IMPORTO che desideri donare
3 - potrai pagare con un conto PayPal oppure con Carta di Credito


Every donation will receive a genuine Fanano thankyou.


• Any amount below 50 €

- Donor certificate

• Donation of 50

- Donor certificate  
- Booklet about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- DVD documentary about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain

• Donation of 100 €

- Donor certificate
- Booklet about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- DVD documentary about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- Signed print of "La Fontana di Piazza Corsini" by Marco Fornaciari

• Donation of 200 €

- Donor certificate
- Booklet about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- DVD documentary about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- Terracotta mask copied from the Piazza Corsini Fountain, numbered and signed by the artist Marco Fornaciari

• Donation of 300 €

- Donor certificate
- Booklet about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- DVD documentary about the history of the Piazza Corsini Fountain
- Ceramic mask copied from the Piazza Corsini Fountain, numbered and signed by the artist Marco Fornaciari

Fanano - crowd fountain

Oggi a Fanano

Non ci sono eventi Oggi

Agenda Appuntamenti

Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom

L'Ufficio Turistico

IAT del Cimone
Punto Informativo di Fanano

  • Luglio e Agosto
  • Tutti i Giorni
  • 09:30 - 12:30
  • 16:00 - 19:00
  • Tutti gli altri mesi
  • Lunedì e Giovedi: Chiuso
  • 09:30 - 12:30
  • 16:00 - 18:30



Ufficio Turistico di Fanano

FANANO E' | APT Fanano - IAT del Cimone
+39 0536 68696
Via Marconi, 1
41021 Fanano (Modena) Italy

  • Luglio e Agosto
  • Tutti i Giorni
  • 09:30 - 12:30
  • 16:00 - 19:00
  • Tutti gli altri mesi
  • Lunedì e Giovedi: Chiuso
  • 09:30 - 12:30
  • 16:00 - 18:30

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Foto Archivio "Valli del Cimone"
by Roberto Leoni*
*ove non diversamente riportato.